Pedestrian fatalities in New York and across the country spiked in 2018 according to data from the Governor’s Highway Safety Association. The organization reports that New York had the sixth highest number of pedestrian deaths last year.
More than 6,200 pedestrians were killed on and around U.S. roads in 2018, which is the highest total since 1990. According to traffic safety experts, two of the major reasons for the increase are smartphones and in-vehicle infotainment systems, which distract both drivers and pedestrians. For example, a police officer in Colonie told a media outlet that he routinely tickets drivers for texting behind the wheel, and he frequently issues citations to pedestrians who fail to use crosswalks because they are texting and walking. There were 33 pedestrian accidents in the town last year, and one person was killed.
Meanwhile, a recent study by AAA found that older drivers have trouble using in-vehicle infotainment systems. Researchers had two groups of drivers, one between the ages of 55 and 75 and the other between the ages 21 and 36, use in-vehicle systems to make phone calls, text, input GPS destinations and change radio stations. They found that the older group took around eight seconds longer to complete each task than younger drivers did, which increased the amount of time they took their eyes off the road. Studies show that drivers who take their eyes off the road for just two seconds double their risk of getting in a crash.
Pedestrian knockdown car accidents can cause fatalities or severe injuries. Victims of pedestrian accidents may contact a personal injury attorney to discuss their case. If the attorney determines that the case should move forward, the victim might be owed compensation for medical expenses, pain and suffering, lost wages and more.