Two women have lost their lives in a tragic motor vehicle crash in New York. Meanwhile, a man also suffered injuries in the collision, which occurred early in the morning on a recent Friday. Sometimes, these types of collisions stem from driver negligence, in which case the reportedly at-fault party may be held liable for any injuries or deaths resulting from the wreck.
Events leading up to the crash
The recent fatal accident occurred at about 4:30 a.m. along FDR Drive in Manhattan. According to authorities, a man, 33, was driving a car along the parkway and suddenly struck the shoulder’s right wall, at which time the car caught fire. Police said the accident occurred because the man had trouble with navigating the roadway.
The driver managed to exit the automobile and was taken to a medical center with serious injuries, although this condition was deemed stable. However, two men who were in the car with him died at the crash scene. It was not immediately clear if the automobile had struck another car before striking the roadway’s shoulder wall.
Seeking legal assistance in the aftermath of these tragedies
The surviving loved ones of the two women who died in the New York crash may choose to file wrongful death claims against the man who allegedly caused the accident, seeking the reimbursement of monetary damages. Liability must be established before the civil court hearing the cases, based upon a showing of negligence, before any claims for damages will be determined. The monetary damages resulting from a successfully litigated claim might help to cover burial expenses, hospital bills and even the loss of support for surviving loved ones following the crash.