Three teenagers’ lives have sadly been cut short in a deadly car collision in Long Island. The single-car accident took place on a recent Wednesday night. Sometimes, these types of wrecks occur as a result of driver negligence, which can be grounds for litigation. How...
Seasoned Personal Injury Lawyers
Serving Metro New York
Month: December 2022
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Tragic head-on car accident leaves 1 dead and injures another
A man’s life has sadly been cut short in a tragic head-on car crash in Plattsburg. The motor vehicle accident also left at least one individual with injuries. The accident took place during the early morning hours on a recent Friday. Events leading up to the wreck The...
3 injured in New Hartford car accident
Two individuals have been injured in a motor vehicle crash in New Hartford. The accident took place on a recent Friday evening. Sometimes, these types of collisions occur due to driver negligence, in which case, the allegedly at-fault driver may be held liable for any...