New Yorkers may be saddened to learn about a recent case in New Jersey in which an emergency medical technician was killed in an ambulance accident during her last shift. Reportedly, the accident happened on July 25 around 8 a.m. in East Brunswick.According to...
Seasoned Personal Injury Lawyers
Serving Metro New York
Year: 2015
Google self-driving car involved in accident
New York technophiles may be interested to learn that, on July 1, Google's self-driving vehicle was involved in an accident. The company stated that the rear-end collision was caused by a human driver and not by the vehicle itself. According to the head of the...
Teen drivers involved in more deadly crashes
According to many behavioral experts, people under the age of 21 have an invincibility complex that causes them to believe they can engage in risky driving behaviors without consequences. Because of this, young drivers cause a disproportionate number of fatal car...
High percentage of drowsy drivers involved in crashes
Drowsy drivers are involved in a higher percentage of accidents than had been previously estimated, a study conducted by AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety has revealed. New York motorists might benefit from knowing the dangers of driving when sleep-deprived. The study...
How many accidents are caused by speeding?
According to data provided by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, 360 New York residents lost their lives in 2012 in traffic accidents involving excessive speed. The agency says that speeding drivers are involved in about 30 percent of all of the fatal...
Pedestrian injury rates higher for some populations
New York residents may be interested to learn that according to 2012 statistics, there is one pedestrian death related to motor vehicle accidents every two hours in the United States. At highest risk are children, people over the age of 65 and pedestrians who are...
What are the penalties for a hit-and-run?
New York residents may benefit from understanding more about the penalties typically associated with committing a hit-and-run offense. Leaving the scene of an accident without reporting a personal injury or property damage is a violation of the state law. Motorists...
NY police arrest suspect in motorcycle accident after indictment
On April 18, the New York Police Department announced the arrest of a 24-year-old motorcyclist suspected of causing a fatal accident that resulted in the death of a 45-year-old disc jockey and producer from West New York, New Jersey. The police made the arrest after...
Alleged drugged driver kills New York man in crash
Authorities said a fatal April 8 car crash in New York may have been caused by a man under the influence of drugs. The accident occurred at approximately 10:40 a.m. in Camillus. According to police, a 22-year-old man was traveling south on Kasson Road in a 2008 BMW X3...
Auto-pedestrian crash in New York leaves 1 injured
Police have arrested two men who were allegedly involved in a pedestrian-related car accident that left a woman seriously injured. An intoxicated driver reportedly caused the crash, which occurred on March 7 in Binghamton.Authorities report that the accident took...